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CEO Message
Yoonsang Chaey

“From ‘peachy’ beginnings to electrifying futures,
go peach, go-go!”
Dear SK Battery America stakeholders, As the newly appointed CEO of SK Battery America, I am filled with immense honor and gratitude. First and foremost, I must commend the extraordinary efforts of our previous leadership and management team. Their resilience and ingenuity in overcoming the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19 have been nothing short of remarkable. Their dedication enabled us to quickly ramp up operations and achieve productivity that meets global standards. Thanks to their tireless efforts, SK Battery America now stands as one of the few fully operational battery production facilities at a global level in the US.

Looking forward, we find ourselves on the cusp of a significant breakthrough. The burgeoning EV market is ripe for a new value proposition, and as a leader in battery manufacturing, we must not only meet but exceed customer expectations to expedite the electrification of mobility. We have the capability and the vision to lead this change.

Our global outreach is more important than ever. SK Battery America represents the perfect amalgamation of cutting-edge technology, local talent, and a robust global network. This synergy is crucial for bringing the latest technological advancements into production swiftly and efficiently.

Reflecting on our journey and Georgia’s role in it, the state's transformation from its agricultural past, symbolized by the peach, to a dynamic hub for technology and innovation, resonates deeply with us. SK Battery America, originally rooted in the oil and gas industry, has similarly transformed its focus towards electric energy, embracing a future of sustainability and innovation. Like Georgia’s shift from peach orchards to tech parks, our evolution from a traditional energy company to a leader in electric vehicle technology underscores our commitment to progress and environmental responsibility. And in the spirit of Georgia’s famed slogan, we might say, “From ‘peachy’ beginnings to electrifying futures, go peach, go-go!”

In this rapidly evolving industry, change is the only constant. I invite each one of you to embrace the upcoming improvement activities, which I will personally spearhead, and to actively participate in the process of innovation. Your engagement and commitment are vital in navigating these rapid changes.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication. Together, let us embark on this transformative journey with zeal and determination, inspired by our shift from a legacy in traditional energy to a future in electric innovation.

Yours sincerely,

President and Chief Executive Officer

Yoonsang Chaey